Installing and building eventmachine
Installing eventmachine
on a new or updated Mac OS can have some challenges. I recently had to reinstall Jekyll after upgrading my personal computer with the latest Mac OS Sequoia. Running bundle install
failed with the following error message:
An error occurred while installing eventmachine (1.2.7), and Bundler cannot continue.
In Gemfile:
jekyll-compose was resolved to 0.12.0, which depends on
jekyll was resolved to 4.3.3, which depends on
em-websocket was resolved to 0.5.3, which depends on
file should look similar to this:
ruby 3.3.6
# Remove Ruby
asdf uninstall ruby
# Remove command line tools
sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
# Reinstall command line tools
xcode-select --install
# Reinstall ruby
asdf install ruby
# Validate
ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts RbConfig::CONFIG["CXX"]' # correctly prints "clang++", "false" otherwise
# Install dependencies, includuing eventmachine
bundle install